“Live your dreams…
Not your fears!”
Welcome to the
Palm Beach Institute for the Entertainment Arts
Palm Beach Institute is more than a school and a theater. We are a haven in the storm of life for many struggling individuals. Some of our students live with the negative effects of a dysfunctional childhood, domestic abuse, rape, depression, divorce, life threatening medical issues, ADD, Asperger's syndrome, mental health issues and memory loss. We are giving a spotlight to people overcoming addictions and those who are neuro-diverse and divergent thinkers.
We have welcomed Holocaust and civil war (Middle East/Europe) survivors, burn victims, unwed mothers, and a former priest who successfully dealt with the transition from religious life to domestic life. We are many things to many people... and we are proud of the role we play in bringing confidence and continuity to the lives of those in need.
Times are hard! While we know that each person has only so much to donate to worthwhile causes during this time of economic stress, I also know that many of you appreciate the work we do at the Institute and would like to see it continue.
No amount is too small. Pennies can grow into dollars and dollars can increase in value. We appreciate your continued support and wish you all the very best in 2024.
PBIEA is a 501c3 in good standing. Your donation is tax deductible.
Donations can be made via Zelle using our phone number or email. Account is with Bank of America.
Phone: 561 743-9955
Email: pbinstituteentertainmentarts@gmail.com

“The Institute has reawakened and fulfilled a dream I have had all my life. Wonderful teachers. Wonderful students. Wonderful in every way.”
“The Institute is absolutely amazing and awesome. I am so grateful I have been able to participate in all the events — classes and shows. The Institute is my home away from home.”
IN LOVING MEMORY… Our dear Carmen left this earth to reside with her Lord in heaven on August 18, 2024. She will always be with those of us who knew and loved her. A true angel if ever there was one!
“The Institute is a place to grow as an actor and meet some amazingly gifted people.”
“When I started at the Palm Beach Institute, I was unsure how I would fit in. Under Donna Carbone’s and Avery Sommers’ great tutelage and with my twin sister Marcia’s encouragement and support (Marcia was already a student at PBIEA), I was able to complete my classes with conviction. I went from being a crew member to being cast in a role in Cocktails and Conversations, one of the Institute’s plays. I was then cast in a comedic role opposite my sister in A Night of 8 x10’s. Roles In Murder and Other Ways to Die and The Intersection of Lincoln and Parks, also with my sister, followed. Intersection was contracted by the Kravis Center’s Rinker playhouse which was a most exciting experience. A silkscreen of Rosa Parks’ bus boycott which I created was prominently displayed on stage. Now, I am in the Creative Writing course. My mind is receptive to endless possibilities behind and on the stage. My friends have indicated that there is a noticeable difference in me and are excited with each new play they attend. Many thanks to my devoted teacher and innovative director who created a nurturing environment for me to flourish which has transformed me into the actress and artist I could be. ”
“I first came to the Institute in March of 2014. I knew right away that I had found exactly what I was looking for. The instructor was clear, concise, and very supportive, never judging a “bad” performance but offering constructive ways to make it better. I had very little acting experience at the time, however, since then I have been in 20 films, countless commercials, improv shows, and six plays, one of which was at the Kravis Center. Not bad for a country boy from south east Ohio. I owe an unpayable debt to the Institute for helping me continue to grow as an actor.”
“What I thought was a fleeting aspiration has been turned into a reality because of Donna Carbone and the Palm Beach Institute for the Entertainment Arts. For years, I had the beginnings of a story floating in my head. Donna helped me capture it and I am now a published author!”
The gifted author PTL Perrin (Patty Perrin) was kind enough to feature PBIEA on her blog post. For Patty’s complete Blog post about PBIEA and how she really feels about it, click https://tinyurl.com/4j2zys4h and please follow her blog at www.ptlperrinwrites.com
We love the small, intimate box theater with its comfy, mismatched seats and small stage. Every one of our friends who has come to see a production at PBIEA has loved it. The friendly cast members and crew, the cozy seating, the proximity to the stage, and the excellence of the production combine to create a truly exciting atmosphere, one we’re reluctant to leave at the end of the show. It’s no surprise that, like Bill and me, they return for more whenever they can. I’ve had the privilege of participating in one of the most popular quarterly events the theater puts on, Tongues a’Wagging. Donna sends out a call for personal stories based on a topic she chooses. Those of us whose stories have been chosen, must read them aloud on stage in front of a live audience. I have been on stage, and I have been in the audience, and I rarely miss a Tongues a’Wagging event. The theater is nearly always sold out for all six performances each time.
Our donors and sponsors